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Red Star Pilots Tiger Squadron Formation Clinic 2010

Red Star Pilots Tiger Squadron hosts a formation flight clinic at Torrance airport on the weekend of November 13 and 14, 2010.  There are over 9 China Nanchang CJ-6A and Yak-52 attended the clinic.  There're over 16 flights in 2 days period.  A 6-ship formation fly-by was performed over Long Beach airport where the AOPA Summit was held on the same day.

Robin  and PL-2
Robin and PL-2
Robin wearing ROAF flight suit in front of a ROCAF marking Pazmany PL-2
Robin waring a formal ROCAF lieutenant major flight suit
Jimbo flying lead in a 2-ship clinic
Jimbo flying lead in a 2-ship clinic
Wing-man is Hal Provo and Leo Lee
Photo taken by Leo Lee
Photo taken by Leo Lee
Two China Nanchang CJ-6A in formation clinic
Jimbo working on wing-man
Jimbo working on wing-man
The Bravo flight was over Palos Verde, California. Jimbo made a lot of progress during the two-day clinic.
The ultimate goal would be flying in a formation within 4 feet wing-tip to wing-tip clearance and in control with high precision. Then a wing-man card could be earned by check ride.
Jimbo working on wing-man
Jimbo working on wing-man
Instructor pilot is Doug Zeisner
Jimbo wingman
Jimbo wingman
James Bu works on station keeping in a turn. In this picture his airplane is a little bit low.
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